Exciting Offer: Save 80% on Cloud Web Hosting and get a FREE Domain, SSL, and Migration
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99.99% Uptime Guarantee
We guarantee that your website will be available 99.9% of the time in a given month, don’t underestimate the impact of infrastructure. We are committed to providing optimal availability for both our cloud infrastructure and your website applications. excluding scheduled or emergency maintenance or Network status and well as in Dashboard. This commitment is applicable for any unscheduled downtime :- 99.99% - 99.00% uptime 1 free month. Downtime must be confirmed by a staff member of our support team.
Secure & Reliable Cloud Infrastructure
Cloud Infrastructure

Your data is always safe By distributing server data across redundant cloud-based servers, your data is always protected against failure and downtime.

Observer Monitoring System

services come with a free resource monitoring service so you can see exactly how much resources your website is using to optimize performance and reduce cost.

DDoS Protection

Hostupcloud's global network is protected by advanced DDoS mitigation in all of our data centers, helping to fend off attacks on your infrastructure. Free for all customers.

Service Monitoring

We monitor not only the network and general website accessibility but all complimentary services such as Mail, FTP, MySQL and many more too. In case any issue arises an automated attempt to recover the service is done in just a few seconds and a reported is submitted to our senior 24/7 technical staff for review.

Website Monitoring

To ensure your website is available to your visitors, we perform website accessibility checks every 60 seconds from multiple independent locations over the globe

Real-Time Network Protection

Detect, analyze, and block attacks on your website in real-time. Attacks are blocked inline, then redistributed across the data center’s global fiber backbone.